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star trekulatorstar trekulator 01star trekulator 00Model: Star Trekulator 
Battery: 4 x AA 

AC adapter:
Year: 1977

Chip: TMS0855

Info:Vintage Mego Corporation 1976 Star Trek The Original Series Star Trekulator Electronic Calculator Of The Future. Released by Mego Corporation in 1976 as part of their series of Star Trek Toys and Action Figures. This fantastic Star Trekulator is a working replica of the calculator used aboard the USS Enterprise. It adds, subtracts, divides, multiples, figures square root and percentages at the flick of a switch. Watch the console flash the computer lights on the bridge of the Enterprise as you work. Great for homework and all your important calculations. Every time you press the total button, your answerappears on the display screen accompanied by Star Trek alarm sounds. A winner any way you add it up.