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Texas Instruments TMS1000 / MP0027 / MP3310 / MP3318 / MP3228

tms1000_mp0027.jpgThe MP0027 (USA) with TMS1000 base is an integrated circuit that we can call Musician, because it is capable of playing 24 musical motifs. Here is the List :


 link  pin 21 (R0)  pin 22 (R1)  pin 23 (R2)  pin 24 (R3)  pin 25 (R4)  pin 26 (R5)  pin 27 (R6) pin 28 (R7)
 pin 5 (K1)  Greensleeves   God Save the Queen   Rule Britannia   Land of Hope and Glory   Sailor's Hornpipe   Westimester Chimes   Oranges and lemons  Oh come all Ye Faithful 
 pin 6 (K2)  Cook House Door  The Stars and Stripes  Bethoven's Ode to Joy (9th)  Wiliam Tell Overture  Red Flag / Maryland/ Tannenbaum  Great Gate of Kiev   Twinkle Twinkle Little Star  Soldiers Chorus (Faust) 
 pin 7 (K3)  Fate Knocking (Beethoven)   The Marseillaise   Deutschland Uer Alles   Toccata in DO minor (Bach)   The lorelei   Wedding March   Colonel Bogie   Mozart 


mp3318The MP3310 / MP 3318 (France) with TMS1000 base is an integrated circuit that we can call Musician, because it is capable of playing 24 musical motifs. Here is the List :

 link  pin 22  pin 23  pin 24  pin 25  pin 26  pin 27  pin 28 pin 1
 pin 6  Mon beau sapin  La cucaracha   ?   Popeye    Air des Lampions  Marche nuptiale ILs ont des chapeaux ronds Je vais revoir ma blonde
 pin 7 L'Ajaccienne 5° de Beethoven Guillaume Tell. Halleluya La charge de cavalerie La corrida La marsellaise La madelon
 pin 8 La riviere Kwai    La bourree Auvergnate  Soldat Leve-toi Lili Marlene Oh I Suzanna La petit Quinquin o sole mio Toccata de J.S. Bach


The MP3310 / MP 3318 (Italy) with TMS1000 base is an integrated circuit that we can call Musician, because it is capable of playing 24 musical motifs. Here is the List : 

 link  pin 22  pin 23  pin 24  pin 25  pin 26  pin 27  pin 28 pin 1
 pin 6  Viva Espana  L'Ajacienne  Le petite Quinquin Susanna Lili Marlene Il ponte sul fiume Kwai French Cancan A la Bastille
 pin 7  La pantera Rosa Ein Prosit Barri L'internazionale Kalinka Marcia nuziale Tico Tico La madelon
 pin 8 La Marsigliese Cavalleria  Braccio di Ferro Les Bretons  La Cucaracha La  Lorraine Alma Alma La Corrida 


The MP3228 (Germany) with TMS1000 base is an integrated circuit that we can call Musician, because it is capable of playing 24 musical motifs. Here is the List :

 link  pin 28  pin 27  pin 26  pin 25  pin 24  pin 23
pin 5  Guten Abend , Gute Nacht   Elnmal am Rhein Ich weis nicht, was soll es bedeuten   Gong Am Brunnen vor dem Tore  Lied der Bayern 
link  pin 23 pin 24 pin 25 pin 26 pin 27 pin 28
pin 6  Trink Bruderlein Dje Blauen Dragoner, sie reiten Deutsche National-Hymne Lili Marlene Die Tiroler sind Lustig Wer soll das Bezahlen ?


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