Texas Instruments TMS1965 it is a chip that allows you to have the following games,
6 Ball & Paddle variant games.
Games: Tennis, Football, Squash, Pelota, Shoot 1, Shoot 2.
Pin compatible with AY-3-8500.
PIN | Description | PIN | Description |
1 | NC | 15 | NC |
2 | Vss Earth | 16 | Sync output |
3 | Sound output | 17 | 2 MHz clock input |
4 | Vdc Power supply, the voltage must be between 6 and 7 Volt | 18 | Game 1: Rifle Game 1 |
5 | Angle of the ball's trajectory | 19 | Game 2: Shotgun Game 2 |
6 | Ball exit | 20 | Game 3: Tennis |
7 | Ball speed | 21 | Game 4: Football |
8 | Manual service | 22 | Game 5: Squash |
9 | Exit of the right player | 23 | Game 6: Practice |
10 | Exit of the left player | 24 | Score and field output |
11 | Right club entrance | 25 | Reset input |
12 | Left club entrance | 26 | Shot entry |
13 | Club size | 27 | Hit entrance |
14 | NC | 28 | NC |