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tms1965nl redimensionnerTexas Instruments TMS1965 it is a chip that allows you to have the following games, TMS 1965 datasheet6 Ball & Paddle variant games. 

Games: Tennis, Football, Squash, Pelota, Shoot 1, Shoot 2. 

Pin compatible with AY-3-8500.


 PIN  Description PIN Description
1 NC 15 NC
2 Vss Earth 16 Sync output
3 Sound output 17 2 MHz clock input
4 Vdc Power supply, the voltage must be between 6 and 7 Volt 18 Game 1: Rifle Game 1
5 Angle of the ball's trajectory 19 Game 2: Shotgun Game 2
6 Ball exit 20 Game 3: Tennis
7 Ball speed 21 Game 4: Football
8 Manual service 22 Game 5: Squash
9 Exit of the right player 23 Game 6: Practice
10 Exit of the left player 24 Score and field output 
11 Right club entrance 25 Reset input 
12 Left club entrance  26 Shot entry
13 Club size  27 Hit entrance
14  NC 28  NC



Wikipedia TMS1965