Volunteer Organization
If you have the opportunity to support those who work for free, in this no-profit museum, and with the aim of opening a museum in the city of Rieti dedicated to Texas Instruments.
Se avete l'opportunità di sostenere chi lavora gratuitamente, in questo museo no-profit, con l'obiettivo di aprire nella città di Rieti un museo dedicato a Texas Instruments.
You can support us by donating your 5x1000, entering the tax code 90094080570 in your tax return. Or by making a donation using the iban code: IT38R0760114600001066057207.
Puoi sostenerci donando il tuo 5x1000, inserendo nella dichiarazione dei redditi il CF: 90094080570 nella casella " Sostegno degli enti del Terzo Settore iscritti al RUNTS ". Oppure effettuando una donazione utilizzando il codice iban: IT38R0760114600001066057207.
Volunteer organization " TI Watch Museum - ODV "
This is a voluntary non-profit organization of an autonomous, free, apolitical and non-denominational nature which intends to operate mainly in the cultural, training, didactic and informational fields and aims to promote and manage cultural and aggregation and communication activities.
The main points of the association are:
a) Acquire, restore and preserve material and information relating to the history of Texas Instruments and beyond.
b) Carrying out dissemination activities also through meetings, conferences or any other form that serves to promote the activity.
c) Create and manage a "Texas Instruments Museum" in Rieti.
d) Support the proposed projects through conventions, grants, agreements.
e) Carry out any other activity, connected to the institutional purposes, which is deemed useful for the achievement of the association's purposes.
Who we are
Let me introduce myself. I'm Fabrizio, and together with other friends we take care of the museum dedicated to Texas Instruments.
This voluntary organization was born to preserve, document and share the technology of all these objects that have made the history of Texas Instruments and beyond, the ultimate goal is the birth of a museum in the city of Rieti, where in the 70s built one of the most important factories in Italy and Europe.
Much of the technology we enjoy today, such as personal computers, smartphones, tablets, gaming systems, and myriad other devices with a microprocessor "brain," has its genesis in technologies developed as a result of dogged experimentation.
We have been fans of all types of technology since we were young, we try to intrigue everyone but above all boys and girls of generations younger than ours, we are promoters of many initiatives, including cultural ones, such as conferences, but above all participation in exhibitions, fairs, meetings with students in schools and museums by making our Texas Instruments material available.
This museum is always on the lookout for watches, calculators, games, computers of historical interest. If you own one of these items made mostly in the 20th century, the museum might be interested.
If you have something that seems to match these interests and you are looking for a new home, contact us at Information with information about your object, which you would like to donate or sell.
5 x 1000 TI Watch Museum - ODV
Organizzazione di volontariato no-profit, del Terzo Settore finalizzato a realizzare il Museo dedicato alla Texas Instruments nella città di Rieti. Destina il tuo #5 x 1000 scegliendo:
TI Watch museum - OdV scrivendo il codice fiscale 90094080570
nella casella "Sostegno degli enti del Terzo Settore iscritti al RUNTS ". Il #5permille, non richiede esborso di denaro, è uno strumento accessibile a tutti che può garantire la sopravvivenza economica dell' ODV.
- Cerca nel modulo della dichiarazione dei redditi (Modello Unico, 730, CU) oppure segnala al CAF lo spazio: "Scelta per la destinazione del cinque per mille dell'Irpef". - Inserisci la Tua Firma nel riquadro " Sostegno degli enti del Terzo Settore iscritti al RUNTS "
- Inserisci il codice fiscale dell'associazione: 90094080570 sotto la firma, nello spazio "Codice fiscale del beneficiario".
Oppure facendo una donazione utilizzando il codice iban: IT38R0760114600001066057207
Grazie Mille