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TI 0030 1vModel: TI-30 LED 1 version ( metal plate )
Battery: 9 volt or RK2
Adapter: AC9132 or AC9182
Year: 1976 Price: Lire 19.000 + 14 % iva
Chip: TMC0981           
Info:This Italian-made TI-30 (4376 RCI, November 1976) looks different from the original TI-30. Instead of the usually 
printed TI logoTI 0030 1v 00 and the TEXAS INSTRUMENTS nameplate, this one uses only a sticker, a metal plate with a black background and gold-colored writing, like other calculators made in Europe, TI-45, TI-57, Privileg SR-35NC, but also a calculator sold by Radio Shack in the United States, the Radio Shack EC-4000. Later, during production, the metal plate was replaced to adapt it to the US design. We are particularly fond of this one, as we have been looking for one for many years and finally found two in one week (2023).
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