If you have the opportunity to support those who work for free, in this non-profit museum, and with the aim of opening a museum in the city of Rieti dedicated to Texas Instruments. DONATE !

 26/12/18  - WATCHES added 5 news model

 06/12/18  - Inserted new page ( BOOKLET )

 01/12/18  - Calculators ( BA-54 , PS-6200, The MBA, TI-2510, TI-70, PROSTAR, AVSTAR , PS-3000)

 24/11/18  - WATCHES added 21 news model   !!!! exceeded 200 watches

 13/10/18  - Calculators ( TI-3510, BA-55, SR-20 ) - EDUCATIONAL ( spell checker )

 07/10/18  - WATCHES - CALCULATORS (TI-95 procalc , LLOYD calc.) EDUCATIONAL ( letter logic )

 14/08/18 - EDUCATIONAL ( Math Marvel )

 10/08/18  - New Cartridges TI 99

 16/07/18  -  LAPTOP -  CALCULATORS ( TI-1225,TI-66,SR-56) - EDUCATIONAL (Language Tutor)

 26/06/18  -  CALCULATORS - WATCHES ( starwars )