If you have the opportunity to support those who work for free, in this non-profit museum, and with the aim of opening a museum in the city of Rieti dedicated to Texas Instruments. DONATE !

BP1 cover 00Description: New battery pack with black 3D printed cover, but you can ask for a color other than black!


BP1_cover_02.jpgni_cd_800ma.jpgni_mh_1800_ma.jpgThere are two types of batteries, the 600 or 800 mA NI-CD and the 1800 mA NI-MH.


BP1_cover_01.jpgIt is important to use a 2 cent coin or similar, in order to reduce the risk of breaking the hook tab!





Calculators that use these Battery Packs are:

BP1 ( SR-50, SR-51)
P1ASR-50A, SR51A, SR52, SR56, TI-58, TI-58C, TI-59 )